- DSC Membership Packet 2020-2021.doc.pages.pdf
- New Members
- Site Map
- Photo Album
- Out on the water
- DSC Music at Party
- An old DSC Laser in the yard
- Aquavit Whats the rush
- Karyn Sailor
- North of Bowen to Garabaldi
- Setting up Camp on Wallace Island
- Pause at Keets Island
- Ingrid the Dock Waif
- Goodnight Bowen Island
- Gentle sail home from Bowen Island
- Josie on deck at Wallace Island
- eastrack
- tide3feet
- tieup
- westenddock
- waterline
- barnacles
- nicepaint
- Lone Hobie Awaits you
- DSC Aquavit Mary Era Anna
- IMG 0024 stern tie Aq & misc @ Dojo is
- IMG 0284
- IMG 1483
- IMG 1493
- IMG 1503
- IMG 1542
- Ken & Roger C
- Ken Mischief plow waves
- Martha Fender Rescue
- Into Mischief again
- Truely a Shantie Band
- Griswald
- IMG 0181
- IMG 0188
- IMG 0285
- IMG 0285
- IMG 2462
- IMG 2517 Ready Spin
- IMG 2534 Barnet RDVS
- IMG 2586
- IMG 2589
- IMG 2593
- Jonas & Fabrice easy raftin
- Josie & Ian sunsets
- Pirates threatening gun Pac Grace
- RockeyPt Small Sailors
- Ther MisChief Mast
- Capt & Provosion Officer scope out
- Henry Lane becalmed
- Around JSCA
- JSlasersbeachnote
- JSHobipullupnote
- AQcrewsail
- 02tominbom3
- apostlekayakl
- AQhapysmile
- DSC Gary Lee Family
- DSC Party at I MacDonalds
- Josie on deck at Wallace Island
- 2009dsa Fisher Foundation
- 2009hobiejericho
- 2009hobiescrossing
- 2009hobietiger
- 2009jerichoclassic
- 2009laser2
- 2009laserkid
- 2010downtown
- 2010may Storm BeachWaves
- 2010may3d 2 WindSurfers
- 2010optigirl
- 2011 Discovery Clean Day
- 2011August noSwimming
- 2011July19 DSA trailer load
- andrew Rescue Crew 2010
- DSA Sam Sullivan
- goldensunset
- Hobie flew past
- hobieGroup
- Jericho to Van sunrise
- Kayak wave launch
- Nov FM Sail Sunset 0023
- RescueBoat in Action
- seaotter
- Tasar Race Start
- zurf roll
- DSC Group Meetinng
- DSC Logo
- Orca Visit July 2
- Rainbow Doubles Fathers Day
- hobie 16
- Full Moon Sept 2012 Sailing partys
- Avoid needing these folks
- a Start on the beach for some
- If its cloudy enjoy life anyways
- September 29 2012 18:46
- September 29 2012
- IMG 2976
- September 29 2012 19:00
- IMG 2990
- September 29 2012 19:15
- September 30 2012 18:55
- September 30 2012 18:56
- September 30 2012 18:57
- September 30 2012 19:01
- September 30 2012 19:03
- September 30 2012 19:03
- September 30 2012 19:50 Let the music begin -5 singers
- Out on the water
- Members Lounge
- Courses
- DSC Links
- General Library
- Teaching Videos Main Sail
- Tie Knots
- Teaching Videos
- Laser Instructions
- Painting wood
- Wind Surfing instructions
- Kayak instruction
- Canadian Sailcraft Keelboat
- Navigation - Local Knowledge
- HobiCat pages
- H16 TuneUp Features 1
- H16 TuneUp Features 2
- Hobi parts Terminology
- Hobie Repairs
- Delaminated Hulls
- Delaminated Hulls 2
- Gel Coat Scratch repair
- H16 Deck Hull Joint
- Hobie 16 Wires
- Lubricating Rudder Cams
- Luff Track
- No Slop Rudder
- PreCambering Dolphin Striker
- Raising the Mast
- Rebuild H16 Rudder Cam
- Remove Rudder Cam Screw GW
- Remove Rudder Cam Screw LM
- Repairing Hull Bottom
- Ropes & Lines
- Rudder Castings H18
- Rudder Castings ReRe
- Rudder Humm
- Sail Battens
- Seal Leaking Mast
- Sealing the Mast Tip
- Spinnaker installation
- Stepping the Mast
- Storage in Winter
- Tramp Tightener
- Trampoline Tightening
- Mast Rake
- Righting Pole Installation
- Righting the Hobie Cat
- Safety First
- Sail by Teltales
- Sail the Drifter
- Sail Trim
- Sailing Downwind
- Sailing Nose Down
- Sailing Up Wind
- Sailing Vinyard H16 trip
- Tacking Hobie 16,
- Recycling a HobiCat
- Training Pics in our yard
- Weather Helm Part 2
- Fleet Report Cards
- Fleet
- Rigging Day
- Events & Classes
- Light Spirit MEMBERS = the Owners ToDo
- Links and Contacts
- about the Whales and boats
- Maratime Safety Guide