Sea Kayaking Frequently Asked Questions:
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Buying a Boat

- What is the best boat?
- Should I start in a 'beginner' boat, or should I buy an 'expert' boat and hope I can 'grow' into it?
- Should I get plastic, fiberglass, wood, fabric or something more exotic?
- How should the boat fit?
- How should the boat be rigged?
- How big of a boat do I need?
- Should I get a single or double?
- What kind of hatches should I get?
- Will I have enough cargo space?
- Do I need a rudder?
- How much of a consideration is the weight of the boat?
- How important is the durability of the boat's construction?
- How much should I spend on a boat? (USA prices)
- What should I look for when I'm trying a boat out?
Section 2: Learning to Sea Kayak
- How do I learn to kayak?
- Am I ready to go kayaking on my own?
Section 3: Equipment
- The essentials
- safety gear
- signalling
- navigation
- clothing
- camping
Section 4: Sea Kayak Construction
- How do I build a kayak?
- Where can I get a kit to build a kayak?
Section 5: Folding Kayaks
- Is a folding kayak a sea kayak?
- Should you consider a folding kayak only if you require its foldability feature?
- How do folding kayaks compare in efficiency, performance, and speed with hardshell boats?
- Are folding kayaks delicate or damage-prone?
- Do they cost more than hardshells?
- What are the best materials for the frame and skin in a folding kayak?
- Is assembly of folding kayaks difficult? How long does it take?
- Where do I get more information on foldables?
Section 6: Hypothermia
- What is hypothermia?
- How can one tell if somebody is hypothermic?
- Am I hypothermic if I am shivering and/or my hands/feet are cold?
- How is hypothermia treated?
- What is the best defense against hypothermia?
- What is vertigo?
- What is cold shock?
- Is this information meant to scare me away from cold water?
Section 7: History
- What does kayak mean?
- What does baidarka mean?
- What is an umiak?
- Did all native kayaking groups use the two bladed paddle?
- Did all native kayakers know how to roll?
- How were kayaks made?
- What is the difference between a modern kayak and a traditional kayak?
- Where did the native kayakers live?
- Were all the boat designs the same?
- What did they wear?
- What animals were hunted?
- How did they get the animals back to the village?
- What hunting tools were used?
- Was kayak hunting dangerous?
- What happened to the kayaking cultures?
- What is the history of the development of the modern kayaks?
Section 8: Controversial Topics
- Rudders
- Rolling
- British boat mystique