Maratime Safety Guide

Click HERE - Website for Maritime Safety Explained

The waterways and Oceans are endless . The Currents and rocks are still there, after all the marine highways and passages are planned.  Storms and ship design still affect crew. So it was the first big industry to implement comprehensive International Safety Standards .

These apply to PLEASURE BOATS as well . Especially those out playing  Blue Water Cruising .

What is Maritime Safety?

Maritime safety is the collection of measures to protect life and property at sea. Specifically, the guidelines come from the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). SOLAS provisions range from setting the frequency of ship inspections to implementing approved life-saving appliances.

Crewmember training and certifications also ensure that sailors follow best practices and protocols at sea. IMO generally oversees international shipping safety matters, but the organization is also responsible for preventing marine and atmospheric pollution.

Examples :

Life-Saving Appliance Code ( LSA)

The International Maritime Organization provides international requirements for life-saving tools and appliances such as life jackets, immersion suits, visual aids, and thermal protectives.       

Common Security Issues      

Collision Regulation ( COLREG)

COLREG works to prevent ship collisions. It is an essential guide for ship navigation.      


Life at sea is unpredictable and often dangerous. Maritime workers can have life-threatening accidents every day while at work. Poorly placed objects on the ship’s decks can cause obstruction or slip and fall injuries.

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