Day Sail Skipper

Day Skipper Certificate Sail

[Sail or Power]

This certificate is generally recognized as the minimum requirement to charter a vessel for Daysailing, subject to the following criteria:

The holder is certified as the Skipper, to be responsible for the safety of his/her vessel and crew, for Daysailing only, in daylight only, sailing in local waters requiring only basic navigational skills, in moderate wind and sea conditions.

Day Skipper Certificate/Operator Card

To be certified as Day Skipper the candidate must exhibit the overall aptitude to be responsible for a vessel and its crew, meet all of the requirements for the Competent Crew Certificate, have attained all of the following endorsements and the type of vessel used for the instruction must be noted on page 14 or 15.

Module 1 "Seamanship Sail 2"

Module 2 Collision Avoidance 1

Module 3 Basic Navigation

Module 4 Weather 1 - Introduction to Meteorology?

Seamanship Sail 2 Endorsement

Requirements for Certification

Dock the vessel and leave the dock using crew.

Demonstrate while underway:

hold a course on all points of sail while at the helm

lee and weather helm and how to correct it

heaving to

pick up a man overboard buoy while under sail and power

Demonstrate the process of reefing down from full sail to fully reefed down and describe the rationale for each move.

State the basic requirements for a secure anchorage.

Demonstrate the ability under power using one crew:

to anchor the vessel

maneuver under control in a marina

keep a tightly controlled holding pattern for two minutes

Demonstrate or describe the launch and recovery of a trailer-able sailboat using a launching trolley or trailer.

Describe correct propeller immersion and tilt angle on a vessel driven by an outboard motor.

Demonstrate going ahead, astern and an ability to judge way carried in neutral.

Collision Avoidance 1 Endorsement

State the factors and conditions that can both enhance and nullify the ability of radar to detect a small sailing vessel.

Describe what actions must be taken in reduced visibility to avoid a collision.

With the use of diagrams, paper models etc. be able to apply International Collision Regulations Rules - 1-37.

Basic Navigation Endorsement

Requirements for Certification

Describe the International lateral and cardinal buoyage system

& identify all navigational buoys specific to the local operating area

Demonstrate the ability to use Chart # 1 (or list of symbols) by identifying the following on a chart used for the area the Day Skipper will sail.

all rock hazards in the local area

the shallow water in the local area

different types of sea bed in the local area

any unusual local navigational hazards in the local area

overhead or submerged power cables in the local area

Demonstrate the ability to:

find the position of the vessel in latitude and longitude

work out basic speed, distance, using the equation 60 x D = S x T

define chart datum

plot a DR track and update with primary fixes

state what influences can cause compass error and deviation

state where to find Notices to Shipping

state what local shoreline safety zones are in effect

Weather 1 - * Introduction to Meteorology Endorsement

Each student must be able to collect weather information from three sources, including Coast Guard Radio (or radio source) and accurately describe the conditions expected for that day.

Describe local weather and water conditions that might occur with little warning at anytime during the year and could prove to be a hazard for the Day Skipper sailing in local waters.

If in tidal waters Use Tide and Current Tables to calculate:

times and heights of tides at reference ports on which local tides are referenced

times, direction of rates and currents and times of slack water at reference stations

Translate the following standard meteorological terms describing wind, into wind speeds and expected conditions for sailing:

Light winds. Moderate winds. Strong Winds. Small Craft Warning. Gale Warning. Storm Warning.

Be in possession of a float plan that can be photocopied and state where a float plan should be filed.

Please Note

Operator licensing in many states in the US, and depending on age and vessel size in Canada, is already mandatory.

On Completion of the Competent Crew and Day Skipper Course you can write the exam for:


Canadian Coast Guard Pleasure Craft Operator Card


National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (US) Certificate.

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