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Discovery Club allows you to learn at your pace and comfort.  BUt the first goal is that you are on the water the day of your joining our Co-Op Club.  After that we share in teaching,  but cannot offer in-house regular lessons.

We can direct you to instruction, and Sailing Buddies experience.  Certificates come from standardized courses.

Description of courses, with one of the better instructors in Canada is Dave DeWolfe with Discovery Sailing School, N.S.

 We can assist in your learning the following here,  at Jericho :

BEGINNER  2011 ( basic Laser play until you get it, or look it up)

   CYA The   CANSail   Program

 Wet Feet - Programming specific to ages 5-8 years, in an Optimist Dinghy. Active Start stage of the LTSD.

 CANSail 1 & 2 - Fundamental skill acquisition in any type of boat (single / double handed). Fundamental stage of the LTSD.

 CANSail 3 & 4 - Applied skill acquisition in any type of boat (single / double handed). Learn to Sail Fast stage of the LTSD.

 CANSail 5 & 6 - Applied skill consolidation in any type of boat (single / double handed).

Learn to Train stage of the LTSD.

 Chutes & Wires - Specialized double handed performance skill consolidation.

Learn to Train stage of the LTSD. Chutes and Wires may be delivered concurrently with other levels in the CANSail program


BEGINNER back in 2009 : Certificates old-style:

 The Canadian Yachting Association Learn to Sail program provides safe, standardized instruction to Canadians sailing dinghies for recreation and competition.

The seven-level CYA Learn to Sail program is used by adults and youths in virtually all yacht clubs and sailing schools in Canada as well as by community colleges, the YMCA, the Department of National Defence, etc.

White Sail Level I This level introduces the beginner to sailing. It covers safety, seamanship, rigging and basic boat handling under instructor direction in wind speeds of 4-9 knots (8-15 km/hr).

White Sail Level II Terminology, is introduced to the beginner at this level together with more seamanship and boat handling skills under instructor direction in wind speeds of 4-9 knots (8-15 km/hr).

White Sail Level III Many beginner sailors do not take additional formal training after this level. White Sail Level III therefore is a comprehensive level which covers the minimum knowledge and skills a sailor requires to sail safely and competently without supervision in winds speeds of 4-9 knots (8-15 km/hr).

Bronze Sail Level IV This level introduces the sailor to sail trim and basic boat tuning. It also covers safety, seamanship, terminology, sail theory, sail shape and advanced boat handling skills in wind speeds of 9-14 knots (15-25 km/hr).

Bronze Sail Level V Spinnaker use, boat maintenance, trapezing and sail theory are covered in this level together with advanced boat handling skills in wind speeds of 9-14 knots (15-25 km/hr).

Silver Sail Level VI Silver sail introduces the sailor to racing. It covers racing rules, racing signals, sail theory, race management, protests, basic tactics and advanced boat handling skills in wind speeds of 18 knots (35 km/hr).

Gold Sail Level VII This is the highest level of the Learn-to-Sail program. On completion of Gold Sail Level VII a candidate will be able to race a dinghy with moderately good boat speed and control. The sailor will have a well-rounded knowledge of sail theory, racing rules and tactics.

Demonstrated Equivalent

Sailors who already have the required knowledge and skills for any of the LTS levels and who wish to be certified, can arrange to be tested by a currently registered CYA instructor qualified to award the standard by contacting either the Canadian Yachting Association or their provincial sailing association.

Student Testing and Certification
Procedures for Certification

  1. Students may only be evaluated and certified by qualified CYA Sailing Instructors registered with the CYA for the current year.
  2. In order to be certified students must successfully complete a theory examination and a practical evaluation. Both must be reviewed by the instructor and student.
  3. After a student has successfully achieved one of the CYA sailing standards the instructor will certify the student by signing a CYA certificate of proficiency or the CYA Learn to Sail Logbook.

NOTE: Only the evaluating instructor can sign the certificate or logbook. Only a CYA certificate of Proficiency with a seal attached or a Logbook with a seal attached is official certification. Certificates issued by other organizations claiming a student has obtained a particular CYA level are not recognized by CYA.

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