Off Season Checklist
Save money by having work done in the wintertimeBy Mark Michealsen
It is less expensive to have the work done in the wintertime than it is during prime season. Get it done now or you will forget!
____Take off trampoline and restitch where necessary.
____Get the hulls reglassed and any repairs touched up.
____Check all shrouds, forestay, bridles, trap wires for kinks or broken strands. Replace all rigging that is more than five years old whether it has been used or not.
____Check all ropes and control lines for wear.
____Check trapeze rope locks for wear and replace
____Take out drain plugs and take off inspection port lids to let the hulls dry out.
____Replace sheaves (pulleys) on the mast._
___Inspect all mast fittings for cracking or wear.
____Check all halyards (lines and wires which pull up the sails) for wear.
____Check all rivets and bolts which connect hulls to platform
____Leak test the boat.
____Replace mast ball or mast bearing where necessary.
____Check dolphin striker tension.
____Repair all nicks and chips in rudders
____Adjust and/ or replace rudder locking parts.
____Inspect tiller crossbar for bends or wear.
____Change out your tiller connector kit if original equipment is older than ten years
____Fresh water rinse and let your sails dry before putting them in storage.
____Loosen all battens in the sails before storing them.
____Replace any broken pocket protectors or leach caps which may have become brittle.
____Rinse entire boat including blocks and lines down with fresh water, allow to air dry.
____Replace all stretched out or contorted split rings and damaged pins and shackles.
____All 16s and 18s replace all shroud anchor pins that are more than five years old.
____Inspect and replace as necessary the righting line and related hardware.
Mark Michealsen
Small Craft Advisories offers special pricing for all factory made repairs. It will actually cost you less to book your repair through SCA than it would going direct to the factory. Our volume discount with the factory provides for savings which we can pass on to you.
1(800) 354-7245 (outside (310) and (714) area codes)
Call to book your service work today, (714) 650 5079 or E-ML:SAILCENTER@AOL.COM